GENTEC's GKNT20-TC Nitrogen Tire Inflation Kit allow for easy and cost effective filling of automobile and truck tires with pure nitrogen. The kit is portable, easy to operate, and conforms to the specifications and requirements of UL, DOT, and OSHA. Compressed Nitrogen Gas, a dry inert gas, allows tires to last longer, perform better, and function with a greater degree of reliability than tires inflated with standard compressed air. Its large-sized molecule helps with tire pressure retention, leads to more uniform tire wear, and allows for better gas mileage. Also, it has a low thermal expansion coefficient that minimizes heat damage from pressure changes. GKNT20-TC include a 12" hose whip end, high pressure nitrogen regulator, dial pressure gauge with reset purge valve, and a 12 ft. coiled hose. The kits are also available with 20 cu. ft nitrogen cylinders in a steel carrying stand.