GENTEC KA30MC-T Oxy-Acetylene Outfit

GENTEC KA30MC-T Oxy-Acetylene Outfit

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KA30MC-T Outfits are designed for a variety of professional jobs. They are available with cylinders and plastic carriers. They are capable of welding steel and brazing copper pipKA30MC-T Outfits are designed for a variety of professional jobs. They are capable of welding steel and brazing copper pipes. Outfits come with torch end check valves. KA30MC-T also includes GRAMC2G MC acetylene regulator with gauge guard, HW23-012A hose, 9-WG6G goggles, 25-300 striker, and 24-CVPR torch end check Outfits come with torch end check valves. KA30MC-TC includes one welding/brazing tip and a multi-flame rosebud tip.